Blog topic generator for the age of AI - illustrative image

A Blog Topic Generator for the Age of AI

Learn how the best blog topic generator helps create engaging content ideas. Overcome writer's block and find SEO topics with AI-powered tools. Perfect for bloggers and content writers.

If you’re in search of a blog topic generator, you know the struggle. Topic ideas are one thing, but successful blog topics need to be:

  • Related to the blog’s business or organization
  • Interesting enough to hook new readers
  • (Sometimes) search engine optimized
  • New! Fresh! Different!

On top of that, your list needs to be organized so you can refer back to it and quickly get started on the writing. Contextminds has got your back. By integrating search with a whiteboard and extra tools, Contextminds has everything you need to play around with ideas, find popular topics, visualize their relationships, and keep them all organized for quick reference.

Who needs a blog topic generator?

Some people can spend all their spare time dreaming of blog topics; “generator” is a job they do naturally. But even the most creative of us can hit a rut. After all, we’re not just looking for any topic—we want a content ideation tool that generates topics which meet our goals. Read on if you’d like to:

  • Figure out what topics people care about
  • Slay the dreaded “blank screen” monster
  • Organize your findings in a way that makes sense to you
  • Add notes and reminders so Future You wastes less time remembering your reasoning
  • Understand what people are actually searching for that relates to your blog

The best blog topic generator understands context

It’s easy to type, “generate a list of blog topics” into your favorite chatbot. But that usually leaves a lot of constraints and nuances unsaid, which means you get subpar suggestions. The key is to be able to transmit context to your AI helper, so everything that you’ve left unsaid in a simple prompt is easily understood. That’s where a content map generator shines. Let’s look at an example.

How to use Contextminds to brainstorm blog topics

Let’s say your client makes software to help people who manage spas. They’ll want content planning for posts that are helpful to spa owners and managers.

In Contextminds, the quickest way to get started is to generate a map from a prompt. Choose Concept map and type in what you’re looking for. In this case, “I want to discover topics of interest to people who manage spa businesses.”

The Contextminds interface where users start generating a concept map for topic brainstorming.
Topic generation starts with a prompt.

You’ll get a chance to refine the map before you accept it. Once you accept, you’ll see something like this:

A concept map for blog topics on a sample blog. Text blocks are connected with arrows.
Here’s what the generated topic map first looks like.

When you get into the whiteboard, drag items to see all the relationship labels between them. It’s time to check:

  • Are these ideas useful to me?
  • Are these relationship labels (the labels on connecting relationship lines) accurate?

Adjust until you’re feeling good about what’s there.

Note: You’re not looking to create a “perfect map”. At this stage you just want to make sure you’ve kept the most relevant ideas on your whiteboard.

Mind map for blog topic generation brainstorm. Text items and connected with arrows. Arrow are labelled with relationships between items.
Your first draft is always rough.

Remove anything you think won’t be helpful and add any additional topic brainstorming you can think of. Drawing a blank? No problem.

Let’s say you want to explore one of the generated topic categories, like Wellness Trends. Select that item and take a look at the search tab on the left. Highlight Topics and use the filters to adjust where Contextminds will search for suggestions.

Interface's left side shows search panel with filter options like ChatGPT generated topics and Wikipedia topics. Right side shows concept map.
Don’t forget to use the filters you want.

Add any blog post idea suggestions by clicking on the + or just by dragging the suggestion to the whiteboard.

Here’s a list of topics organized by theme.

Drag items around on your whiteboard to organize your topic suggestions however you like. You can add them as subtopics within Wellness Trends…

Subtopics organized inside the larger wellness trends topic.
Organized as subtopics inside the “Wellness Trends” item

… or keep them separate and repeat the process to search for more specific subtopics.

Four possible blog topic items. One has subtopics listed inside the item.
You choose the level of granularity for your map.

And just like that, no more blank screen.

But that’s just step one. With different types of searches: keywords, questions, headings, or articles, you can find out exactly what keywords people are searching for.

Contextminds interface with topic and subtopic item and auto-suggested related keywords.
Inline search volume and keyword difficulty help you choose the right keywords.

You can also find out what kinds of questions people are asking. Searching questions is a powerful tool to find effective blog topics. Remember you’re trying to hook your readers, and a question is a powerful way to invoke their curiosity.

Spark reader curiosity by asking, and answering, the right questions.

Heading suggestions are also a great starting point for brainstorming topics.

Contextminds search panel shows suggested headings for a selected topic item.
Suggested headings help you decide what information you want to include.

Whether you’re looking for sources to cite in your blog, or you just want to make sure that your topic is unique, the Articles search is also your friend.

Contextminds interface showing articles related to the selected topic item on the map.
Need source suggestions? They’re integrated into Contextmind.

And don’t forget to refine your search with filters. Some posts benefit from knowing what’s on Reddit and others are more in the scientific journals category.

Filters for article searches in a menu. They include web articles, scientific journals, and wikipedia abstracts.
Different topics require different types of sources.

And boom! You’ll have a list of relevant, interesting, and fresh topics in a matter of minutes. Within an hour, you’ll have an entire content calendar to present to your client.

Keep in mind that you can return to your map over time and see how suggestions for keywords or questions have changed with whatever’s in the zeitgeist. This way, your posts will always be relevant and up to date. That kind of clever functionality makes Contextminds the best blog topic generator, not just for now, but for the length of your relationship with your client.

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Marek Dudáš
Contextminds CEO

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